My name is Paul Cavnar, K7AEC. My wife, Peggy (N7MTL), and I moved to Fallon from Reno this past June to retire. We lived in Reno since '96 and I worked in the electrical wholesale business. We came from San Diego. I have enjoyed this great hobby since high school where I got a 1-year Novice license in '65. I was unable to upgrade to General before Uncle Sam wanted to give me an all-expense-paid vacation SE Asia. I gave the Marines four years of my life. For my first two years, I served as a Radiotelegraph Operator since I enjoyed Morse Code and aced all their tests. My 3rd and last year were spent wherever they needed a body because the radio operators' openings were well overstaffed. I started over again in '74 after landing a job with Collins Radio Co. in Newport Beach, CA. that only lasted three years. I spent months trying to find new employment and got into the electrical wholesale business that I liked and spent over 40 years doing everything from delivery driver to the general manager of my own company.
In ham radio, I started volunteering for ARES in So. California and served as EC for several years in the '80s. When I came to Reno, there was a need for a new EC in that area so I offered to do that. Eventually, moving to a District EC position then in 1999 serving as Section EC for almost four years. That was an interesting time through the Y2K 'non-event' of the century and then 9-11. Family needs caused me to resign from my positions and take a leave of absence from ARES. Eventually, I gave it up altogether but, continued to enjoy my hobby. My primary interest is CW and working anyone who feels the same whether it's across town or around the world. I'm not a contested but, do like to participate in Field Day.
As of today, I have my VHF and UHF radios set up with a mobile antenna so I can listen to the nets. My antenna is rather marginal so, reaching most of the repeaters just isn't happening. So, I have a new, more powerful 2m radio that will be set up soon. Once warmer weather comes around, I will set up my HF antennas if all goes according to plan.
I am looking forward to being active with ARCC and making new friends as well. My calendar is marked for the February meeting so my plan is to be there and meet everyone. 73, Paul Cavnar - K7AEC
Just a New Guy
Just a New Guy
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