Spurious Emissions

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Spurious Emissions

Post by k7mkanv7cc »

Through some research on the subject, I have reason to believe that I have an illegal Marijuana grow operation nearby. When it started about 60 days ago, I killed all the breakers, and it was still there, pulled the coax and it went away, so definitely terrestrial in origin. It starts at the same time every day 09:00, and shuts off at 00:00. I have done some web research on spurious emissions, and the general consensus is a noisy ballast on a grow light.
Here is a link to my video: https://youtu.be/nbXAfTf1D1Q.
It happens on 10, 12, 15, 17, and 20. 40 and 80 are clear besides the summertime noise. I don't currently have the hardware to walk the neighborhood and pin it down, but probably my next door dope smoking pot head. A couple of weeks ago when the power went out for 2 hours, the noise quit along with it.
"Try not. Do, or do not, there is no try." - Yoda
"Help you I can. Yes, mmm." - also Yoda

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Re: Spurious Emissions

Post by K7ET »

A friend of mine, w7bws near March ARB in socal had issues with one of these.
He went around and around trying to isolate the issue, and did.
Never heard what the final outcome was...but we had a lot of discussion about this issue.
Good luck, Mike

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