Minutes of August club meeting

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Minutes of August club meeting

Post by km6yu »

The ARCC August meeting was held under the shade tree at Lattin Farms.

We began with a potluck breakfast.

Following the breakfast, the meeting was call to order by president Brenda AF7SW.
VP Rick K7ET was not able to attend.
Treasurer report was given by Steve KM6YU.

Reminders: Visit the web site NV7CC.org
Nominations for club officers for 2021 will be held during the September and October meetings. The club has term limits of two years and all officers have already served two years so we need others to step up and serve.

It was suggested that we have decals made to "advertise" ham radio and the ARCC club. Mike K7MKA will check on pricing.

JOTA is coming up in October. Should it be held at Lattin Farms?

Discussions: Get on the Air!
Sunday night net format? Can it be different. Rick WF6O will be net control on Sunday and will try something different.
The net controls will start using Net Logger and Mike K7MKA will be logging check ins.

We had 10 in attendance at the meeting and had a great time. Those who were not there were missed.

The next meeting will be Sept. 5, again at Lattin Farms under the big shade tree. See you there!

Steve KM6YU

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